Certified Boom Repair | What Does That Mean?

Certified Boom Repair | What Does That Mean?

There are a number of reasons that would require you to take a lattice or hydraulic crane boom or jib section out of service. You may have discovered the defect/deficiency yourself, or it may have been brought to your attention through an inspection. At that point, you are required to remedy the problem by either repairing the defect or replacing the component. In a previous post, we discussed the top 5 reasons for exploring a repair option.

So, if you choose to have the component repaired, then you need to have the work performed by a qualified and reputable servicing agent who can provide a safe, documented, compliant, and warranted repair. The documentation is especially important. It will provide a paper trail of the repair process that will stay with the crane.

Upon completion of the repair, the boom or jib needs to be inspected or “re-certified” before being put back into service. OSHA mandates that your repair/adjusted equipment “must be inspected by a qualified person after such a repair or adjustment has been completed, prior to the initial use.”

A “Qualified person means a person who, by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, successfully demonstrated the ability to solve/resolve problems relating to the subject matter, the work, or the project.”

While this could be someone within your own company it is becoming more common and recommended that the qualified person be an independent inspector. The CCAA is an excellent resource for independent crane inspectors. They have taken a leadership position in promoting crane safety and improving the certification profession. CCAA also provides testing for practicing crane surveyors and a professional designation to all members who successfully pass the Certified Crane Surveyors (CCS) test.

Additionally, “the inspection must include functional testing of the repaired/adjusted parts and other components that may be affected by the repair/adjustment.” A simple load test documented by a “qualified person” will finalize the process.

Only when all of this has been done can you consider yourself as having a “certified boom repair.”

This post was written by Jay Shiffler, Vice President of Business Development, WHECO Corporation


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