Foundation Drill Inspection
Our Aiken, SC location was happy to be able to assist a customer in need this month. They were called for a damaged mast on a Foundation Drill that compromised the tubing and plate the mast is made of. They removed samples from the mast and sent them to the lab for analysis as per our standard procedure to determine the strength of steel needed.
Repair Steps
The team placed the mast on the repair table and the damaged plate and tubing were removed after they verified the internal components were sound. The next step is for the Aiken team is to install the new tubes and plates to OSHA Standards. Every structural piece we work on is inspected using an independent company and must be able to perform in the toughest conditions on any job site imaginable.
Finishing Steps
Once everything was verified by the independent inspector we moved the mast over to our paint booth to finish the job out with an OEM paint match. Because the project was complete in less than a month the customer was happy to see the foundation drill up and running at the job site at a fraction of the cost of a new unit.
If you are having any issues with your equipment or have had an accident feel free reach out to any of our team or click on the following link. https://www.wheco.com/rfp/